Let me just say this – the blueberry cobbler recipe is AMAZING! I love fresh fruit desserts – somehow in my mind I feel like they are healthy! LOL – I don’t think I am alone on this thought. The idea of it being a healthy dessert has something to do with eating fresh organic fruits. It is still a dessert, though!
Cast Iron Blueberry Cobble Recipe
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup Buttermilk
- 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup light brown sugar
- 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Pinch or two of nutmeg
- 1 stick butter
- 3 cups blueberries - reserve about 1/2 cup to sprinkle on top
- 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
- 1/2 granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
- 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Place cast iron pan in oven and allow to heat for 5 minutes.
- Remove cast iron pan from oven and place one stick of butter into pan.
- Put into oven until butter is melted about 2 minutes.
- Pour blueberries into pan.(Reserve 1/2 cup to sprinkle on top)
- In mixing bowl add flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, buttermilk, vanilla extract, and mix well.
- Pour batter over butter and blueberry mixture.
- Using a spatula - spread batter evenly.
- Sprinkle the 1/2 cup reserved blueberries on top of batter.
- Bake for about 30 - 35 minutes or until center of cobbler is fully cooked.
- Remove from oven.
- Allow to cool about 15 minutes before serving.
- While cobbler is cooling, prepare topping.
- Add 2 cups blueberries to small pan and cook over medium heat.
- Add sugar, vanilla extract and lemon juice.
- Mix well.
- Cook until the blueberries are popping and soft - about 8-10 minutes.
- Using a masher, gently mash the mixture.
- Allow to cool before serving.
- Serve cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream and blueberry topping. Enjoy!
- I used a 10 inch cast iron pan for this recipe!

I love cooking in a cast iron pan especially one that is well seasoned. I use them on a regular basis so I store mine in the oven for easy access. If you don’t own a “cast iron pan“ I highly recommend them. Estate sales are a great place to find some unique cast iron pans. I have started a collection of antique “cast iron pans.“ Beware – they can be a little pricey – so save up your money if you plan to start a collection.
A Cast Iron Blueberry Cobble Recipe
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

TIPS for preserving Cast Iron Pans
After your cast iron has been used and is well seasoned, you want to make sure to take good care of it. Cleaning is an important part of long term use of cast iron pans. Here are some of my own personal tips for cleaning your cast iron pans:
1. When cleaning your pan don’t use a lot of soap, steel wool or harsh cleaning agents. This will remove the seasoning.
2. It is best of clean your pot right after you use it. (Avoid soaking cast iron pans.)
3. Lightly wash it with a sponge under warm water. Do not over scrub the pan.
4. You can also clean it by boiling water in it if food has stuck to the skillet. Then clean it with a sponge to remove food particles.
5. I like to dry mine directly on the gas burner or gently dry it with paper towels.
6. After drying, gently wipe the pan with a little cooking oil all over the pan including the inner and outer sides and bottom. Don’t forget the handle. This will prevent rust. I use paper towels and canola cooking oil to wipe down mine. I do this while it is slightly warm. Careful not to burn yourself.
7. Wipe down a second time, making sure to remove excess oil. This will prevent it from getting too sticky.
TIPS for preserving Cast Iron Pans
CeceliasGoodStuff.com Good Food for Good People

I hope you will enjoy this flavorful dessert recipe. I just think cobbler must be served with ice cream – well, and fresh made blueberry topping! YUM, YUM, YUM!
A Cast Iron Blueberry Cobble Recipe
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

If you didn’t already know it I love to garden. For the first time in 35 years we had a hellacious hail storm. It really tore up my garden. Some things are finally growing back, but I lost numerous tomato plants, and a ton of flowers. I have never seen anything like it. The hail was three times the size of quarter – or slightly bigger than a golf ball. I am telling you it was crazy scary! I am still cleaning up several weeks later. Lucky for my Hibiscus Tree – it was under a covered porch near my entry way. It is blooming beautifully!
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

Most of my roses and rose bushes took a real beating. I have one single rose blooming right now a lovely peach colored one. I am hoping the bushes will bounce back soon. I gave them a good trim, so fingers crossed!
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

In my herb garden I grow over 40 varieties of herbs. This is Lemon Thyme. It is great in cocktails, lemonade, in soups, stews, salads, and dressings. The Lemon Thyme has tiny violet blossoms. Those tiny little leaves give off an amazing fragrance and add huge flavor when cooking with them.
The Herb – Lemon Thyme
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

This is Cinnamon Basil. It is great in sauces, salads, pastas, and dressings. It tastes very similar to your everyday garden variety of basil. It has a slightly purple hue. I though you might enjoy seeing some of the herbs I grow in my herb garden.
The Herb – Cinnamon Basil
CeceliasGoodStuff.com Good Food for Good People

This is sage. I planted it from seed. Sage can grow rather quickly and before you know it – you can have a giant bush! I allow some of the plant to go to seed each year so I can plant some of the seeds again in the spring. If you want a great recipe using sage – try my Sage Pesto with Penne Pasta! It is delish!
The Herb – Sage
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

Here is that recipe I am referring to above: Sage Pesto with Penne Pasta
Click here for the recipe: Sage Pesto with Penne Pasta
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People

I love sharing my passion for good food! I hope that my recipes that will inspire you to cook and create memories with those you love.
Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned each week as I create more tasty dishes.
With Much LOVE, Cecelia Dardanes
CeceliasGoodStuff.com | Good Food for Good People
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